Who are we?
The LEGOUX(SA)'s engineering team consist out of skilled transmission line, electrical and mechanical engineers with over 30 years of specialized experience.
LEGOUX(SA)’s knowledge, experience and innovative attitude enable the company to strive for creative, cost-effective and practical solutions for any endeavor we undertake.
Project lists and personnel CV’s will be provided on request.
LEGOUX(SA) provides dedicated training in the field of Overhead Transmission Lines.
Basic Training - provides basic skills and provide tools to enable the user to do a complete overhead line design by using line templates and basic calculations.
Advanced Training - Detailed training and understanding the loading of conductors, shield wires and various structure types. This training is essential for the use of advanced overhead line design software packages.
Fundamentals principles of overhead line design and practical implementation TA1
This in-depth course will provide you with the basic overhead line design principles.
This 3-day course is aimed at teaching the basic principles of overhead line design and includes the following design concepts:
Application of the new SANS code to structure design and loading of conductors as well as the associated safety aspects.
The basis of conductor Sag and Tension calculations, including optimal use of Sag / Tension to determine structure strength, equivalent span concept, horizontal and compound loads.
Preparing profile drawings and sag templates for manual templating of two separate lines to understand wind and weight span concepts, uplift and its effect on conductor swing. Use of conductor weights offsets clipping and broken wire conditions.
The application of pole loading and pole strength designs, single, H Pole and braced H Pole. Application of stay wires and the effect of incorrect stay application to structures.
Principles of foundation designs for pole structures.
The course is aimed at wood and steel pole line 6.6kV up to 132kV.
R10 500 (excluding vat.)
For more information contact training@legouxsa.com